Thursday, November 19, 2009

A stinker

well this just was a few of my thoughts that tumbled out once I read a post on FB that really p#$$*d me off!

Dear Chandar....even I'm tempted now...

You see its really nice to hear you speak english on FB but you aren't British right? I'm sorry but I am an East Indian...and you can't get more Bambaiya than them...we are considered original settlers...but i still point out to the word settler!

You see my mother tongue happens to be English...yea two generations ago at least most of my family have lost their original language!

But then that time there was no Maharashtra? Why do we harp on something that we have known for about half a century? the same breath forgetting that centuries ago the land was one? We are all it someone from Chennai or from UP...I'll take a stand here and even include the Pakistani's, the Bangladeshis, the Tibetians and the Burmese...(but thats just so that hopefully you see my point..cos i am a big believer in the 'world is one' concept!)

My biggest problem is with the 'YOU' factor!! it is the easiest thing in the world for POLITIANS (and this happens the world over...from Hitler to the Americans to Mugabe!!) pick out something that alienates a section of people...the minute we as a people subscribe to the 'YOU' concept we admit defeat!

Today it is the Marathi Manoos...but has Raj or Bal have any idea how many types of Marathi are spoken? what if every dialect and type want their own you realise how idiotic this is?

So please save the need to follow Maharashrian culture and Marathi Language...we learn it in schools and I can speak and write it...but it is still not my mother tongue and I dont think in Marathi!

And about the develop their own states theory I'd like to know which Marathi built the Indian railways or the port that made Mumbai so powerful? or maybe all the missionary schools that Bala Sahebs family goes to?

Jai Hind

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