Tuesday, December 29, 2009
A small tribute to Faster Fene
Friday, December 04, 2009
A small addition
The murder before Kargil | |||
2009-05-15 23:02:52 Last Updated: 2009-05-20 10:00:02 | |||
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I received this email today....you can go thru it and then have a dekkho at what I have to add to this...
Dear Sir/Madam ,
SPARE 5-MINUTES from ur busy schedule .PLEASE !!!
Lt. Saurabh Kalia of 4 JAT Regiment of the Indian Army laid down his
life at the young age of 22 for the nation while guarding the
frontiers at Kargil.
His parents, indeed the Indian Army and nation itself,
lost a dedicated, honest and brave son..
He was the first officer to detect and inform about
Pakistani intrusion. Pakistan captured him and his patrol party of 5
brave men alive on May 15, 1999 from the Indian side of LOC.
They were kept in captivity for three weeks and
subjected to unprecedented brutal torture, evident from their bodies handed over
by Pakistan Army on June 9, 1999.
The Pakistanis indulged in dastardly acts of inflicting burns on these Indian officers with cigarettes, piercing their ears with hot rods, removing their eyes before puncturing them and breaking most of the bones and teeth.
They even chopped off various limbs and private organs of the Indian soldiers besides inflicting unimaginable physical and mental torture.
After 22 days of torture, the brave soldiers were ultimately shot dead. A detailed post-mortem report is with the Indian Army. Pakistan dared to humiliate India this way flouting all international norms.
They proved the extent to which they can degrade humanity. However, the Indian soldiers did not break while undergoing all this unimaginable barbarism, which speaks volumes of their patriotism, grit, determination, tenacity and valour - something all of India should be proud of.
Sacrificing oneself for the nation is an honour every soldier would be proud of, but no parent, army or nation can accept what happened to these brave sons of India. I am afraid every parent may think twice to send their child in the armed forces if we all fall short of our duty in safeguarding the PRISONERS OF WAR AND LET THEM MEET THE FATE OF LT.SAURABH KALIA.
It may also send a demoralising signal to the army personnel fighting for the Nation that our POWs in Pak cannot be taken care of. It is a matter of shame and disgust that most of Indian Human Rights Organisations by and large, showed apathy in this matter.
Through this humble submission, may I appeal to all the civilized people irrespective of colour, caste, region, religion and political lineage to stir their conscience and rise to take this as a NATIONAL ISSUE !!!
International Human Rights Organizations must be approached to expose and pressure Pakistan to identify, book and punish all those who perpetrated this heinous crime to our men in uniform.
If Pakistan is allowed to go unpunished in this case, we can only imagine the consequences.
Below is the list of 5 other soldiers who preferred to die for the country rather than open their mouths in front of enemy -
1. Sep. Arjun Ram s/o Sh. Chokka Ram; Village & PO
Gudi. Teh. & Dist.
Nagaur, (Rajasthan)
2. Sep. Bhanwar Lal Bagaria h/o Smt. Santosh Devi;
Village Sivelara;Teh.&
Dist.Sikar (Rajasthan)
3. Sep. Bhikaram h/o Smt. Bhawri Devi; Village
Patasar; Teh.
Pachpatva;Distt.Barmer (Rajasthan)
4. Sep. Moola Ram h/o Smt. Rameshwari Devi; Village
Katori; Teh. Jayal;Dist...
5. Sep. Naresh Singh h/o Smt. Kalpana Devi; Village
Chhoti Tallam;
Teh.Iglab; Dist.Aligarh (UP)
Yours truly,
Dr. N.K. Kalia (Lt. Saurabh Kalia's father).
Saurabh Nagar,
Himachal Pradesh
Tel: +91 (01894) 32065
Please sign in by writing your name and then copy and
paste it again to forward it to your friends and relatives. Let us give a supporting hand to Dr. Kalia in his efforts to get justice..
Remember, Lt. Kalia and his colleagues died on the front so that we could
sleep peacefully in our homes.
JAI HIND .....Victory to India !!
...ok now my turn...
this is horrendous of course and while my sympathy is with his family and my heart foes out to them...I suggest we look at ourselves "India" first before we point a finger at others "Pakistan"
i)The Army left 5 soldiers at an advanced position even though "Massive infiltration of mercenaries covered by firing by heavily armed Pak troops" was reported...?? How is this possible? what were the officers thinking? what were these 5 jawans gonna do?
ii)They spent most of the day returning fire until their ammunition ran out...and even after they were captured, back up arrived after the Pak troops had vanished...leaving no trace...Impressive na?
iii)It is also believed that their signal instruments were not functional or had failed in the conditions....very likely...I've trained with various regiments when I was in the NCC and the pathetic state of arms and ammunition they have no option but to use is well known...I have known an entire regiment to have just one MMG (Medium Machine Gun) and no HMG (Heavy Machine Gun)and that too the MMG was not fit for action...they only used it for display and exercises!!
iv)And this is the best part ----the Indian Government has not stepped forward to acknowledge or award these soldiers and their bravery...wonderful...thanks for your lives but...lets move on! How touching and sincere and grateful!
So why do we even start with Pakistan when we have our own devils to contend with?
Thursday, November 19, 2009
A stinker
Dear Chandar....even I'm tempted now...
You see its really nice to hear you speak english on FB but you aren't British right? I'm sorry but I am an East Indian...and you can't get more Bambaiya than them...we are considered original settlers...but i still point out to the word settler!
You see my mother tongue happens to be English...yea two generations ago at least most of my family have lost their original language!
But then again...at that time there was no Maharashtra? Why do we harp on something that we have known for about half a century?...in the same breath forgetting that centuries ago the land was one? We are all brothers...be it someone from Chennai or from UP...I'll take a stand here and even include the Pakistani's, the Bangladeshis, the Tibetians and the Burmese...(but thats just so that hopefully you see my point..cos i am a big believer in the 'world is one' concept!)
My biggest problem is with the 'YOU' factor!! it is the easiest thing in the world for POLITIANS (and this happens the world over...from Hitler to the Americans to Mugabe!!) pick out something that alienates a section of people...the minute we as a people subscribe to the 'YOU' concept we admit defeat!
Today it is the Marathi Manoos...but has Raj or Bal have any idea how many types of Marathi are spoken? what if every dialect and type want their own state...do you realise how idiotic this is?
So please save the need to follow Maharashrian culture and Marathi Language...we learn it in schools and I can speak and write it...but it is still not my mother tongue and I dont think in Marathi!
And about the develop their own states theory I'd like to know which Marathi built the Indian railways or the port that made Mumbai so powerful? or maybe all the missionary schools that Bala Sahebs family goes to?
Jai Hind
Thursday, October 01, 2009
Into a city that riles you...
This is Pune and I already miss my bbay!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
...and this is even more amazin....she is the daughter of a true legend...and I'm talking about the one and only... Elis Regina here is her greatest track
Thursday, April 09, 2009
I see a different you
(sigh!)...into the whorl of all my memories..all kinds of strains…music..sights…fragrances and whole lot of what not…I get a cozy feeling of having been thru a time and space…where I have been loved like I am now and where I loved…
…maybe a past life? Maybe a figment of my imagination…but it is there a strong sense of me somewhere that isn’t here.
Had come across these guys some time back and am really really impressed with their music…may they be blessed with a hell of a lot of success.
I’m waiting to hear more guys!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Enur feat. Natasia – Calabria 2007
Enur feat. Natasia – Calabria 2007
Video sent by wiredset
Chk this one out folks...this is as bombastic as you get~This is the Ultra Records we all know and love – hot beats to get your feet tapping and booty shaking. “Calabria,” by Enur feat. Natasia, is as hot as you can get, unless you can think of something better than sexy, wet girls dancing around in booty-shorts, cropped tops, lingerie, and other items of underwear that leave little to the imagination. :) This video doesn’t shy from very revealing ass shots, either. Ok – who else is getting all hot and bothered? Check out more at http://www.ultrarecords.com/.">http://www.ultrarecords.com/.">http://www.ultrarecords.com/.">http://www.ultrarecords.com/.">http://www.ultrarecords.com/.">http://www.ultrarecords.com/.